Victims Of The Great Shift #3
Michael (31)
I swapped bodies with one of my coworkers, and let me tell you, I still have no idea how women can deal with all of the unwanted attention.
Wearing heels, putting on makeup, and deciding which dresses fit you best is already quite a lot, but now I also have to deal with guys checking me out or asking me out whenever I do anything!
I don't know if they are men who remained in their bodies or women who ended up swapping bodies with men, but it's simply too annoying!
William (65)
Never in my life I understood why college students loved Spring Break so much, but now that I'm in the body of a sorority girl who was taking one of my classes, I think I finally understand why they love it so much.
No worries. No responsibilities. You just disconnect from all your problems and simply enjoy the warm weather, the delicious food, and wonderful views.
That being said, the only thing that has me on the edge is the fact that I'll only be wearing a bikini once I get into the water, but I guess that's what young women like to wear these days.
Long story short, I ended up in my girlfriend's body, my girlfriend ended up in my best friend's body, he ended up in his girlfriend's body, and finally, she ended up in my body.
Complicated, right?
Well, that's just half the story.
Turns out, we're now attracted to our new bodies' respective partners as well, so long story short, my best friend's girlfriend is now banging me while my girlfriend is now banging my best friend.
Again, complicated, but if you ask me, I wouldn't be having it any other way.
You can't imagine just how complicated my life has been since The Great Shift swapped me with my son's girlfriend!
Not only do I have to deal with the fact that I'm now a young Filipina, but I also have to deal with everyone around me thinking that I'm actually my son's girlfriend!
*Takes a deep breath
Either way, the joke's on them! Once I make public that I'm now dating one of my friends from work, then they will all finally shut up!
Ever since I swapped bodies with one of my college professors, my friends have been teasing me about it nonstop.
Addressing me as either Ms. or Professor, acting like I am too 'old' to hang out with them or begging me to 'not lower their grades'.
It's a bit annoying, but to my surprise, I've found it to be kind of useful as well. All I have to do is tell them that if they don't do what I ask of them, I will 'punish' them and BOOM! They stop and just do whatever I tell them!
I would have never imagined that older women had it this easy.
When my wife (left) and I (right) swapped with two young Japanese women, instead of being dismayed by what The Great Shift had done to us, we decided to make the most of it!
We're young, we're beautiful, and most important of all, we're still together! If you ask me, I think that's more a blessing than a curse.
Thankfully, our daughter and her fiancé remained in their original bodies, so right now, we're celebrating their wedding as none other than her very own bridesmaids!
The Great Shift is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. There I was, alone, single, working a dull 9-to-5 office job and right in the middle of my midlife crisis when POOF! I suddenly found myself in the body of a literal goddess.
After that, my life changed completely for the better: I learned everything I needed to know about being a young, attractive woman, I quit my job, and best of all, I am now making way more money than I've ever did.
How? Well, all you have to do is subscribe to my OnlyFans to find out...
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