Requests Open

Hey! I just wanted to let anyone who reads this blog know that I'm open to requests for captions. Thus, feel free to comment about any caption ideas that you have in mind as long as you follow the following ground rules:

  1. 18+: Please don't request stories involving people younger than 18 years old. This is self-explanatory.
  2. Nothing too NSFW: I'm fine with suggestive stories and/or images, but I'm not interested in nudity or very explicit stories.
  3. Public Images: I have no problem with you suggesting images from famous people and/or people very active in social media (ex: models, cosplayers, instagrammers, etc) which are publicly available on the internet, but I'm not interested in images of everyday people or people whose accounts are privates. 
  4. Be Creative: Simple, straight-forward bodyswap stories are nice and all, but if you want me to be interested in writing the caption you requested, then try your best to make your story as unique as possible so that it catches my attention. As long as it involves some kind of TG bodyswap and/or transformation, I'm fine with whatever story you want me to write a caption about.
  5. My Blog, My Choice: Ultimately, it's up to me if I end up writing a caption based on your request or not. Feel free to request other captions, but if I didn't respond to your first caption request, chances are, I'm not interested in writing it.


  1. I love Gender Flu Captions, especially when the protagonist is someone who seeks out the infection or embraces in the infection.

    1. This definitely sounds like a neat idea! I won't promise that I will use this idea for my very next story, but I'll definitely keep it in mind.

    2. Hey! I just made a caption based on your request. I hope you enjoy it!

  2. Hey! I just added your blog to my sidebar, good work on the captions! I’d love to see more where someone masculine ends up in a very feminine woman’s body and begins feeling conflicted between his old male self’s ideals and how good acting out his new female body’s feminine role makes him feel - especially if there’s a race change involved!

    1. Also let me know if you’d want to chat or collab on something sometime!

    2. Thanks! I'll definitely try to write a caption like the one you're asking for whenever the inspiration or the right image comes to mind.

      As for a collab, I don't have anything particular in mind right now, but if you ever have an idea, then let me know!

    3. Hey! Just published a caption based on the request you asked for. I hope you enjoy it!


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