
Showing posts from February, 2025

Single And Ready To Mingle (Despite The Age)

"Oh, I'm gonna have so much fun tonight," Brian said to himself as he eagerly fixed his brunette hair, happy to see that the bar's selection of men tonight was large, attractive, and varied. Although it was beyond doubt that t he baseline change in all cases of Second Puberty was the slow, gradual transformation into an opposite sex version of oneself, there was still much to learn about the cases of Second Puberty which involved more than just the aforementioned baseline change. A prime example of these less-understood cases was the case of Brian, a college student who not only changed into a woman, but also became an older one as well. In the span of less than a month, he transformed from a young man in his early twenties into an full-grown woman in her late thirties, complete with a plump feminine figure, a motherly visage that exuded maturity, and a conspicuous pair of heavy breasts that were impossible to miss. In other words, he had transformed into what many ...

Four Plans, But Just One Remote Controller

"So let me get this straight," Elmer (second to the right) said in disbelief as he tried his best to process the fact that he and his other three friends were no longer men anymore. "We're in an alternate reality where we were all born as women, and it's only after forty eight hours have passed that we can use the remote controller to go back to our own reality?" "That's right," Caleb (second to the left) warmly responded, his stunningly beautiful eyes more focused on his own gorgeous face than on his friends. "For the next two days, the four of us will learn firsthand how it's like to live as women." Right after Caleb finished, Wilbert (rightmost) placed his head on Elmer's shoulder. "Well, that's definitely going to be an interesting thing to experience," Wilbert added, his tone betraying how he was a bit nervous about all of this. "Especially since we all turned out to be quite attractive." "Att...

Finally Meeting Monsieur Beaumont

Standing just outside of the villa's master bedroom, Smith carefully adjusted his black, silky lingerie as he mentally prepared himself to finally meet the so-called Monsieur Beaumont , the man that he had been tracking down for years and the man that had done this to him as well. Just a week ago, Smith had been one of the most experienced and resourceful agents that Interpol had. Throughout his countless years at the agency, he had risen through the ranks, becoming one of its top agents and thus leading some of the most delicate investigations such as the one he was currently doing. For many years now, he had been investigating an international crime organization and its leader, a mysterious man who was only ominously known as Monsieur Beaumont . And finally, after so many complications and unexpected change-of-plans that such an investigation entailed, he had finally been able to find a concrete lead that led him towards an isolated villa in Southern France and where hopefully th...

Victims Of The Great Shift #2

James (26)  Blondes were never my thing, so I guess  The Great Shift  decided to play a prank on me by swapping me with the quintessential blonde-haired woman. But to be fair, now that I'm one of them, I've started to appreciate their beauty more and more. Blonde hair, blue eyes, freckled skin, and well... I guess you can see which two things  I have in abundance.   I'm now on my way to the beach with my friends who, by coincidence, all swapped with blondes as well. Guess we're now the newest group of beautiful blonde chicks in town. Zachary (21) I never was the best when it came to approaching people and hanging out with them, so when The Great Shift swapped me with a good-looking Moroccan girl from one of my classes, I thought this was finally my chance. * Lets out a deep breath How naive I was. Even though I'm a beautiful woman now, I still don't have the courage to approach people, especially guys. They now get me all nervous and flustered when try to I...

Great Shift Magazine, Issue 02
