Not The Usual Date

Gabriel leaned by the window as he eagerly waited for his date to finally arrive, wearing a stunning white skirt and buttoned shirt, both of which laid bare his thighs and midriff, in order to give a good impression. Truth be told, this wasn't his first rode with a man at a restaurant, but he still felt nervous about how things could go tonight. And yet, he was more than certain that he could never feel as nervous as he felt just half a year ago. Six months ago, Gabriel had been on a doctor's appointment because of a weird rash when he received the bad news that he had the Second Puberty gene and that the rash was the very first symptom of the transformation he was going to experience. Unsurprisingly, he didn't take it very well that in just a couple of months, he was going to transform into a full woman in every sense of the word, but what could he do about it? There was no cure for Second Puberty available anywhere in the world, so the only thing he could really do was to...